Boris X Aria Giana
Ginger/Black Tri
Wattles - 2
DOB 1/19/2020
Tuahuru X Rebecca Gina
Wattles - 2
DOB 4/16/2020
Tutanekai X BH Rebecca Gina
Brown (Agouti)
Wattles - 2
DOB 5/17/2021
Magnus is dominantly wattled (meaning he produces 100% wattled offspring)
Jenny X Mahia Love
Wattles - 2
DOB 7/22/2014
Kereopa X Ru
Wattles - 2
DOB 11/19/2017
Rebecca Gina X Tutanekai
Brown (Agouti)
Wattles - 2
DOB 10/24/2020
AKKPS 15175
IKHR ineligible
Aria Giana X Tonganui
Wattles - 2
DOB 2/7/2021
Tapeka X Tuahuru
Wattles - 2
DOB 7/10/2021
Wilson's Gina X BH Tutaki
Wattles - 2
DOB 5/8/2022
Often I am asked questions about Kunekunes. Below the info on our pigs I have added a section to answer some of these questions. Topics I've covered so far:
We started out in 2011 with a pair of potbellies and a pair of York/Hamp cross pigs. We butchered out the larger pigs by about 7 months and kept the PB for breeding. I didn’t like the pushy larger pigs (I have a fairly irrational fear of pigs from an experience about 40 years ago). Hubby and I both disliked the pork on the York crosses. Not so much that it was bad, but it wasn’t any better than store bought and we had done our best to raise them better. Well about a year or so after that we processed our first PB pig and it was some of the best pork we’ve ever had. We liked the how easy they were to handle as well. But as we got into it a bit more, I did some research into slightly larger pigs that were still known for their wonderful delicious (and redder) meats. We went with Mulefoot and Mangalitsa crosses (not huge pigs, but bigger and faster growing than our PB). We slowly phased out our PB and for a few years had the larger crosses. I loved the meat and we sold a lot, but I hated the pigs themselves. They ate pasture and hay great, but tore it up. They were GREAT mothers and farrowed without issues, even outside in February in Michigan! Heaven forbid though if I needed to do something with piglets. Our set up just wasn’t great for working with the piglets of super protective mothers! And to be honest, our old butts weren’t really set up well for doing that either! So for a few years I drooled and dreamed of getting Kunekunes. They were bigger than our original PB pigs, but smaller like we really wanted. I was blessed to one day be able to barter for a partially registered trio (one sow was registered). I kept that trio for just about 1 year before loading up every other pig on the farm and taking them to the processor! That was in 2017 and 5 years later I'm still in love! It’s taking a bit longer to get back to where we were with our breeding, but I don’t for one minute regret our choice.
Please note, other than a few bottle babies, we have never owned or raised a "house pig". We just have no interest in keeping a pig inside. It is our belief that even pet pigs are happiest outside and I think many pigs would agree. All of our experience and advice is geared towards outside raising and primarily towards raising for meat purposes. We do feel that a total house pig is kept solely for the enjoyment of the humans and is not in the best interest of the pigs.
Boar - Intact male
In Pig - Pregnant
Gilt - young female pig who has never given birth
Short bred - Not very far along in pregnancy
Sow - Female pig who has had at least one litter of piglets.
Long bred - Far along in pregnancy
Barrow - Neutered male
Farrow - Give birth
Wattles - The large "skin tags" normally located on the chin/cheek area of Kunekunes. They hang down and are generally quite noticeable. Also called Puri Puri in Kunekunes.
Split litter - Having more than one sire to the litter
Conformation - The external visible details of a pig's structure and how it matches up with the breed standard.
COI - Stands for "Coefficient of Inbreeding". This is a number generally expressed as a percentage. It is derived from a formula that (in short) gives you a percentage of "relatedness".
Here is our personal pro/con list for both the “bigger pigs” and the Kunekunes. This is based on our experience and somewhat on researched info.
Larger "traditional" pigs:
Pros –
Cons –
Pros –
Cons – NOTE: I found the following issues all things I can work with. While the pro list may look small, those things are HUGE and, for us, far outweigh any of the following cons.
There are plenty of "traditional" large to medium breeds that may work well for you. Temperament can be a heritable trait, so if it's important, find stock (no matter the breed) that has what you want.
Rooting can be a learned behavior. If one roots, it can teach the rest of your herd to do the same.
Fermented Feed:
**still under construction**Hay and pasture forages do make up a significant portion of our Kunekune's diet. However we prefer to supplement with commercial feeds to make sure all their nutritional needs are met.
Fruits and vegetables are great for treats and as supplemental feed sources. Eggs and dairy products are also great for supplementing your pig's diet. Meats should be avoided (there are legal reasons for this in many states). Sugary, salty or carb filled foods (like doughnuts, breads, chips, snacks etc) should be avoided. Remember, these are lard pigs, not your typical farm pig.
Caution should be used when feeding to avoid overfeeding. Kunekunes do have a tendency to become overweight easily. It is not advised to totally restrict the diet of an obese pig, be sure that the diet is still balanced, just reduced in calories. Pigs will almost ALWAYS act like they are hungry, don't cave to their squeals!
In the past with our other pigs, we fed a fermented feed (pictured in video). We may get back to that again soon. We do soak our feed, with at least a 12 hour soak, but usually 24 hours.
We moved back to allowing a longer ferment and now I've also added a video of our newest winter method of fermented feed.
How to ferment feed in the winter:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WaUr_LpNSNw" title="Fermenting livestock feed in the winter" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Video of what fermentation looks like.
Yes AND no.
To say a Kunekune pig won't root at all can be very misleading. There are plenty of purebred Kunekune owners out there that can confirm that.
Now if you asked me if MY Kunekunes root, I'd be able to say no. So far the 12 adult/teen pigs I have here on the farm have never rooted our pastures. They have worked up their designated wallow however.
Rooting can be a learned behavior. If one pig in your herd roots it can and will often teach the others the joy of rooting.
Due to their shorter nose, Kunekunes usually won't root. If however they do, it is usually very superficial in nature. Not the deep, park a bus in it digging you will see with other pigs.
So if your Kunekune is rooting what can you do about it?
Well there could be certain reasons they are doing it and you will need to address those reasons.
1) Is pasture forage adequate? Have they over grazed their area? If so you may need to rotate them more, replant with better/different types of forage or increase their grazing area.
2) Is there something enticing just below the surface? Grubs? Plant roots? This is harder to take care of, but it may be necessary to do so if you don't want them to root. If it's only a smaller area, maybe allowing that area as a sacrifice area would suffice.
3) Are they bored? They may have enough forage, but perhaps they are alone or bored. You can add enrichment activities even for pasture pigs.
4) Are they getting the nutrition they need? It is usually recommended that pigs are not left to solely survive on pasture alone. Some kind of supplementation is often required. You can increase what they are able to get from your pasture but adding a larger variety of healthy plant species for them to graze on. Clovers, alfalfa, chicory, sun chokes, comfrey, vetch, kale, radish and more can be used for pigs.
5) They are enjoying it. Rooting is a NORMAL rooting behavior. It is not always something that should be stopped. However many of us got into the breed because of the "non-rooting" aspect. I have pastures that don't need as much "rejuvenating". I rotational graze multiple species so I prefer a non-rooted pasture. I don't believe in ringing noses. Sometimes you just need to let pigs be pigs. If you have exhausted all the above ideas and really want non-rooting pigs, my only other suggestions are this: Get rid of the offender(s) or put together a sacrifice area that will allow them to do what comes naturally.
Coo-knee Coo-knee
Here is what they work very well for:
Here is what they will NOT work well for.
Disclaimer: There are some exceptions to both of the above. There are breeders working on "200in12" programs. While we aren't part of the program outright, we do focus on good growth and pork production. However even for those reaching "200in12" the results aren't consistent and there are still other breeds who grow much faster.
***still under construction***
I hope to get more in-depth on this subject soon but here is a quick note.
As of this time, we have never given vaccinations, iron shots or cut tusks or needle teeth.
***still under construction***
Both registered stock and unregistered stock can serve a producer well. We've raised both. We however made the choice to switch over to using only registered pigs as our breeding stock. Of course we still offer unregistered stock for sale because your farm mascot or the meat you breed for your freezer doesn't require paperwork.
Why do I prefer registered stock for our breeding program? First let me tell you about what it takes to register a Kunekune. When a litter of piglets is born you must notify the registry of birth date and all pertinent information about the litter (number of piglets, genders, colors, wattles, number of live/dead). After you decide which one(s) to register you must send in a DNA sample (plucked hairs) to verify both parents. Since all registered pigs are DNA verified (all the way down the line), you know you are getting a pure Kunekune and also know for sure who the parents are.
I want to add a few things that I didn't originally cover in this section.
There are many breeders who feel that selling ANY intact registered pig is very much a disservice to the breed. I totally understand what is behind this viewpoint. Selling unregistered pigs often means that a breeder is selling ones that are less than perfect. To these breeders this lessens the overall integrity of the breed. It really does make sense and is a very valid argument. I really want to be a breeder who has the main goal of preserving the breed's integrity. I am working hard to be that breeder and I will get better at judging conformation as I see, handle and raise more piglets. However to be totally transparent, one of my larger goals is self sufficiency and helping others build up their own self sufficient lifestyle. I personally think that the Kunekune breed is an awesome homestead meat hog. Only offering high cost registered quality stock doesn't allow nearly as many people the opportunity to experience the breed. I started with my own little trio of 1 unregistered boar, 1 unregistered sow and 1 registered sow. If I had not had this option, I may never have gotten to "try" these wonderful pigs and decide to go registered.
So at this time, I still prefer to offer some unregistered stock. This includes boars, sows and gilts. Our barrows are always unregistered. If I see any serious defects that should be totally removed from the gene pool they will be retained here for meat or castrated and sold.
***still under construction***The answer to this question has too many variables to give a generalized answer for everyone. But I will take a moment to go over those variables so hopefully you can figure out the answer based on your situation.Things to consider
Here is what we do based on our answers to the above.We can easily keep 4+ adult pigs on 1 acre of grassy pasture during our Michigan spring, summer and fall. We also graze 6+ adult sheep on the same acre off and on to keep it grazed down a bit "neater". In the winter our pigs have significantly smaller areas as they are kept in pens rather than out on pasture.
A good way to go is to use a total poundage to figure your minimum grazing area. Based on our experience and the factors (like soil fertility, plants, weather) we could keep approximately 900# of pig on our one acre. For example, this could be a 400# boar, a 200# sow, a 200# grow out and a litter of unweaned piglets. Or it could be three 200# sows, two 100# grow outs and a few litters of unweaned piglets.
So to break it down a little more, it can be figured to about 50 Square feet per pound of pig. This is for OUR pasture, your pasture most likely will vary quite a bit as many pastures are better than ours and I'm sure there are a few that are worse. I like to figure conservatively. Keep in mind, even with the 900# of pig, we also keep other species on the same area (probably an added 900#) so without that you could probably go as high as 2000 lbs of pig per acre (or 10 200# pigs). That would be about 22 square feet per pound of pig. I do however feel it is better to under stock than overstock when it comes to the health of the pigs and the land.
And a final disclaimer. The numbers I threw out above, like 10 pigs per acre, is what works for us in most years. Even on the same farm things can change from year to year or even month to month. There is NO real formula to figure what you can stock. It can only be determined for you by using your common sense and some trial and error. I would always recommend starting on the low side and increasing numbers only as you see it appropriate.
**Note: I do remember once reading that Joel Salatin raises approximately 10 pigs per acre as well. I believe they would be feeder/grow out pigs up to 200# or so and raised using rotational grazing.
Here are a few links I found on line to help do some calculating on your own. I haven't fully researched these but they seem like a good place to start.
Forage Calculators - https://www.uaex.edu/farm-ranch/animals-forages/pastures/forage-calculators.aspx
Grazing Math - https://www.foragecouncil.com/post/grazing-math?fbclid=IwAR0klLYYTcLzjBcpFhmsp-KSgV-vkNSnC82MYbE-A4YXlW32rPktnGIK4Sw
The short and most appropriate answer is no. Only the breeder of a pig/piglet can get it registered.
There may be (that is a slight maybe) an exception with the registries if you were promised and paid for a registered pig and the breeder welshed on the deal. This would only be possible as well if the parents were properly registered. In some cases a breeder might be willing to register a previous unregistered piglet, but if so, expect to pay a fee as registering costs money and overall a registered pig costs more than an unregistered pig and it is only fair they get paid a registered pig price for one they previously sold as unregistered.
If you buy an unregistered pig/piglet (and weren't promised that it would be registered) there is probably a reason why the breeder didn't register it. Perhaps it didn't fall within breed standards. Perhaps it had a conformation defect. Perhaps the general quality of the pig was not up to the breeder's personal standards and they didn't want it registered as a representative of their breeding program. This is perfectly acceptable for a breeder to do. It doesn't mean that the pig is poor quality, only that it may not be superior quality. For a homestead or meat only program I wouldn't hesitate to start out with quality unregistered stock.
I see this question asked a lot "Why can't I register it if DNA is all that is needed for registration? Can't the lab tell you that my pig is pure Kunekune?" It isn't nearly as simple as this. First off, see above - if the breeder didn't register it, there is usually a reason why. Second, when DNA is sent into the UC Davis lab it is only run to verify parentage. This means that they don't have the extended storage of data that allows for checking "purebred" status. Also the way the registries are set up with the lab the ONLY thing the lab is able to do is match the DNA of the offspring to possible parents that YOU supply numbers for, they don't just search the entire database for possible parents.
So here is an example. I have three registered pigs Adam, Marvin and Eve. Adam, Marvin and Eve had DNA sent in by their original breeders to match it with their parents before they were able to be registered. Adam was assigned a DNA case number of ABC123 Eve was assigned a DNA case number of XYX789 and Marvin was assigned EFG246. Now when I have BabyX out of Eve I send in BabyX's DNA and tell the lab to test it against XYZ789 (Eve) as the dam and both ABC123 (Adam) and EFG246 (Marvin) as the possible sires. Eventually I will get notification back that BabyX qualifies as offspring for XYZ789 (Eve) and ABC123 (Adam) and she then receives her own DNA case number of LMN369.
Now I know you're thinking: Well the DNA case file of each pig is on their paperwork (and available in the registry pedigree databases) so can't I just send in a hair sample and use those numbers? You theoretically can if you have an idea of who those parents could be and can find them in the database. Also, you would need proper numbers to send in (using your registry prefix and the piglet/pigs litter notification number) as the identifier for your pig. (For example BabyX above might be CSA11200). Technically though, the owner/breeder "owns" the DNA of the parents, not you. However even if you manage to get a parentage verification, ONLY the breeder could then register the pig. It's the way the registries have things set up and it makes sense to me (see again above).
**Under construction, but the basics are outlined**
See above sections "I have an unregistered...." and "Why choose registered stock over unregistered stock?" for some information regarding how registration works.
Registering piglets is pretty much the same with both registries. Even if you want dual registered piglets, you should choose one registry for litter notifications. Use that registry info for litter notifications, processing DNA testing and initial registering. Then you can dual register with the other registry.
1) Parents must already be registered with the registry of your choice (both the same registry and with the registry you will use in step 2)
2) You must litter notify the litter.
3) You will receive ID information (a set of numbers/letters) from the registry to use when sending in DNA samples to UC Davis. Each piglet will have a unique ID. You do NOT need to DNA test all piglets in a litter (and IMO, you shouldn't. Usually not all piglets are registration worthy)
4) You will need to place an order with UC Davis
5) You will pluck hair from the piglets you want to test and mail them in, following the instructions on the UC Davis order form.
6) You should receive back a notification from UC Davis verifying Dam and Sire once testing is complete.
7) Now you can register your piglet with the registry you litter notified with.
8) Once registration is complete with first registry you can now dual register your pig with the other registry. (Some restrictions apply)
COI stands for Coefficient of Inbreeding. It is, in simple terms, a measure of the inbreeding of an animal, how many ancestors they share. The Kunekune pig registries carry a hypothetical mating feature in which you can calculate the COI of possible offspring. Some breeders swear by keeping the COI low (under 5%). That is certainly not a bad thing, but a higher COI is also NOT a bad thing. A COI of 12-25% can also be perfectly acceptable. As long as the animal is a good healthy animal with proper breed conformation there isn't any pressing reasons to not purchase or breed that animal with complimenting animals.
As of right now we do. We will always offer unregistered barrows. Currently we offer very few unregistered animals (and very few registered). There is often big contention between breeders whether this is good or bad. I agree that maybe when looking at it solely from a breed preservation perspective it is less than ideal. Perhaps some day I will look at it like that. Today I don't. Today I also look at it from a homesteaders perspective. I look at it from the perspective of someone without a ton of investment capital and not sure if this is where I want to invest that capital or not. When I started, I had one registered sow, an unregistered sow and an unregistered boar. If I hadn't had the opportunity to obtain this trio I may never have moved to raising registered and higher quality stock. Everyone starts somewhere and maybe for every 3 people I sell unregistered stock to only one will move to registered stock. That is one more than there could have been. So for now I will continue to offer unregistered stock. Now this doesn't mean that everything and anything goes out for sale. Anything will a visible defect (like hernias) I won't sell. What I will sell is a nice piglet without wattles, I'll rarely sell an unwattled boar though. I will sell a nice gilt who might be "missing" a teat (or has an extra), but she better have at least 10.
Faults I will try and avoid selling: (**Still under construction**)
Pregnancy progression videos from the last 6 weeks of a pregnancy.
Growth rates and how they correlate to teat selection by the newborn piglets.
Nesting behavior
Singing a lullaby
Cornerstone Acres Farm established 2010
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