Our first female, Icee. Born 11/16/2011
See more pictures here:
Our male, Bruno. Age 2 years here (birthday approximately 1/29/14) .
See more pictures here:
Our second female is a grand-pup out of our Icee and our original male Reign.
Born 2/3/2016
Blizzard (Izzy)
See more photos here:
Timber is the first Anatolian cross we added to our pack. She has proven herself to be a great dog and reliable around young stock She is approximately 66% Anatolian Shepherd, 31% Great Pyrenees and 3% Akbash Her offspring, when bred to our stud Bruno, will be approximately Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd and Akbash (or approximately 65.5% GP, 33%AS and 1.5% Akbash)
See more pictures here:
Tasha is out of Timber and Bruno. She is our first pup born and raised here we decided to keep. We just love her temperament and ability to work.
See more pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.218281937227802&type=3
Griffin is our youngest male. We brought Griff in from another farm as a pup. He settled in so well and has been an amazing asset to our farm.
See more pictures here:
We will be keeping one of our Izzy/Bruno pups to keep the lines going! We absolutely love both of these dogs and are excited to keep one of their pups before they retire.
Have a question you need answered? Use the "contact us" form and we will respond to your question privately and then we can also post the question and the answer here for other readers.
20 or 30.
I'm kidding (or am I?) In actuality, it completely depends. Are you looking for a house dog/pet? Well then that is up to you and your space constraints, your time available and your budget! These aren't "magic" dogs. They may be one of the less "energetic dogs" (preferring to conserve energy until needed I'd say), but they do require space to play and exercise, a fence to play in (not a requirement but highly recommended), time to train them and food and vet bills as needed. If the sky is the limit for your space, time and budget go for as many as you want!
Now when talking LGD - there are a few parameters to go by to help owners/ranchers/farmers decide this. Below is ONLY A GUIDE. There are so many variables that I can't begin to cover them all for each person. I just want to give you an idea if one, two or more dogs will suit your needs the best.
How many Livestock Guardian Dogs do I need?
1) How heavy is your predator pressure?
A - Low - infrequent visual signs of predators, possibly hearing them as well but far off and in the distance.
B - Medium - intermittent visual signs of predators as listed above and frequently hearing them.
C - High - constant visual signs of predators including scat, tracks or actual sightings of predators in or around your fencing. Often hearing predators (coyote most often).
2) What types of predators do you have?
A - Physically small predators and lone hunters: hawks, mink, raccoon, opossum, eagles, neighborhood cats, owls
B - Physically medium sized predators who mainly hunt alone PLUS all of A: Neighbor dogs (but not packs), humans, bobcats
C - Physically large predators or pack animals PLUS all of A and B: Packs of dogs, coyotes, wolves, bear, cougar
3) How many acres do you have for the dogs to protect?
A - 2 or less
B - 3-10
C - 10 or more
4) What type of fencing and facilities do you have?
A - Fort Knox
B - low field fence type supported by electric fence back up
C - Minimal fencing that pretty much just keeps my animals contained
5) How do you manage your flock/herd?
A - My animals live on the same property as my home. The animals are locked in a very secure barn at night.
B - My animals are securely penned during lambing/kidding/calving/farrowing/etc season but otherwise are left on pasture. Pasture areas are less frequented by humans than being in my backyard.
C - My animals live on a property with little to no human presences (ie the boonies). My animals remain out on pasture at all times (birthing season included).
6) Have you had livestock losses or damage due to predators already?
A - Never
B - Maybe. It is possible as animals have gone missing with no sign.
C - Yes, that is why I need a dog.
7) What are the ages of the dogs you currently own or are planning on owning?
A - My dog(s) is between 1-4 years old. **
B- My dog is between 4 -6 years old. **
C- My dog is under a year or over 6 years old. **
8) How large is your herd/flock?
A - I have only a few animals (for example 6 goats or a dozen chickens, the word "few" is actually arbitrary so it is hard to give it a quantitative number)
B - I have more than a few animals (for example 2 dozen goats or 50 chickens or BOTH - again "few" is arbitrary)
C - I have many animals (for example I have 50 goats and 200 chickens)
If you answered A to all the questions, one dog just might work for you. I'd even go as far as to say, one dog that works as a mix of farm/family/pasture dog might satisfy your guardian needs very well.
If you answered a high number of answers denoted by B I would strongly urge you to own at least a pair especially if there were ANY C answers. (We are a mostly B farm here.)
If you answered C to ANY of the questions (with the exception of #6) you need more than one.
If you answered mostly C answers, you should definitely consider having more that even just a pair. The actual number will depend on the expanded information you have for C (for example question 3 answer C is 10+ acres, well 11 acres may be okay with two dogs, but 111 certainly may not be).
Again even with the above there are going to be variables. I mean even if you answered mostly C's but your fence IS literally Fort Knox - you might NOT need more than one or two working dogs. But say you answered only #6 as C. If you can find a puppy that is great - but a puppy is just as easily prey as your stock is since a puppy is no match for many predators I've listed. So adding a puppy and an older dog (8 years + even) if your pressure is very light might work out well. By the time your older dog is ready to cross the rainbow bridge, the puppy is ready to go to work in earnest. A good source for an older dog that may be able to handle minimal predator issues if you have them is to look for somebody who may be retiring an older dog from an intense predator situation. It doesn't happen often as we get attached to our LGD, but you never know - somebody may really like the idea of a "safer" retirement home for their beloved LGD.
Many times predator pressure will have highs and lows. You are better off to be prepared for the highs since it is often hard (and expensive) to find an adult ready to work LGD and often takes too long for a pup to be big enough and mature enough to hold his own. For example if your local pressure is low because the food source (other than your livestock) is high that is great. But if you get a season that may wipe out a good portion of the prey species, then what? Of course even having a good food source (other than your livestock) can be bad too. What can happen when wildlife eats well? The population can expand, right? So when the predator population expands beyond "normal" then they prey population can't keep up and THEN they come to visit your farm for a hand out!
**Keep in mind that as your current dogs age you should be bringing in additional pups before your current dogs are unable to protect any longer. Allow them a bit of a "rest" in their golden years by giving them a pup to work the fences! As in question #7 if all your dogs are between 0-4 you should be set for a while, but if your needs determine that you maybe should have 3 working dogs and one is around 4, you should really consider starting to look for a pup to start working as a "replacement" for the older dog. So, even though the recommendation may be to own three, you should have 4 on hand as one is "in training". Then as that pup takes his place in the pack and the older dog retires you may still have 4 but one is retired so to speak.
The short answer is no, never shave a Great Pyrenees.
The long answer is actually that it depends. There are rare cases where I would say yes you need to TRIM your dog or perhaps even shave. Times like if they are matted beyond simple grooming or if your dog will be having surgery (the vet will shave what is necessary).
A double coated Pyrenees with a good clean coat will be best left UNSHAVED. Our first male, Reign, had a coat that required a bit more grooming to avoid the dreaded matting. Our next male, Bruno, and our female, Icee, have VERY maintenance free coats that lend to full shedding of the undercoat without help, no mats and "natural" cooling abilities. I could type up WHY leaving a good clean coat intact rather than shaving is best, but the infographic below shows it much better than I can.
Check out the picture for a good visual. .https://albertnorthvetclinic.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/shaving-your-dogs-coat-should-you-or-shouldnt-you/
At our farm we have lots of visitors. We wanted a breed that would protect from both four legged predators and aerial predators. We needed a compromise between protective yet friendly. The Great Pyrenees (or Pyr) was our choice. They have been bred for intelligence and the ability to think on their own. A working dog often does not have the benefit of a shepherd or shepherdess out in the field to direct him in his duties. Just as they are loyal if kept as a loving house pet, they are just as loyal to their charges in the field. Many ranchers prefer to have at least a pair of these amazing dogs since they work very well in teams. How many you need will completely depend on your preferences, your set up and your predator situation. Their main method of protection is to be a deterrent. This is accomplished by LOTS of barking. As a general rule Pyrenees are people friendly dogs, or at the very least NOT generally people aggressive which is almost imperative if you have many farm visitors. There are other breeds of guardian dogs out there which also cross well with the Pyrenees breed. Some of these breeds are the Anatolian, Akbash, Komondor, Kuvasz, Maremma and less commonly the Tibetan Mastiff.
Our Great Pyrenees are NOT registered. We are not into showing, but raising wonderful companions and livestock guardians. Our main goals are raising and breeding dogs that have unquestionable loyalty, dependable gentleness, unwaivering guardian skills and easy to maintain hair coats. Ours do tend to be a bit larger in size than the "breed standard".
The following was copied from
and is a general breed description.
The Great Pyrenees is also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. The length of the dog is slightly longer than it is tall. The head is wedge-shaped with a slightly rounded crown and is in proportion to the rest of the body. The backline is level. The muzzle is about the same length as the back skull. The skull is as wide as it is tall with flat cheeks. There is no apparent stop. The nose and lips are black. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. The dark brown, medium-sized eyes are almond shaped and slanted. The dark brown, V-shaped ears are carried low, flat and close to the head, rounded at the tips, and set about eye level. The chest is fairly broad. The well-feathered tail reaches the hocks and can be carried low or up over the back in a wheel when the dog is excited. There is sometimes a crook at the end of the tail. The Great Pyrenees has single dewclaws on the front legs and double dewclaws on the hind legs. The dog has a weather-resistant double coat. The undercoat is dense, fine and wooly, and the outer coat is long, thick, coarse and flat. There is a mane around the shoulders and neck which is more apparent in male dogs. There is feathering on the tail and along the back of the legs. Coat is either solid white or white with patches of tan, wolf-gray, reddish-brown or pale yellow.
The Great Pyrenees is a capable and imposing guardian, devoted to its family, and somewhat wary of strangers—human and canine. It is often used to guard livestock. When not provoked, it is calm, well-mannered and somewhat serious. Courageous, very loyal and obedient. Gentle and affectionate with those he loves. Devoted to family even if self-sacrifice is required. It is very gentle with its family and children. It does best with children when it is raised with them from puppyhood, and if it is not being used as a working flock guard be sure to socialize it well with people, places and noises. It has an independent nature, and may try to dominate or intimidate a less secure owner, and/or an owner who treats the dog as if he is human becoming stubborn or territorial. Owners need to be firm but calm. Be confident and consistent with the dog Setting rules: the dog must follow and stick to them. The Great Pyrenees is a serious worker, but very independent. Be patient when training the Great Pyrenees, as it may be slightly difficult. If left alone inside the home without the proper amount of exercise and / or leadership it can become destructive. The Great Pyrenees is good with non-canine animals, and usually loves cats. These dogs do not reach maturity until they are about 2 years old. Some are not good off the leash and may wander away. They need an owner who understands and practices natural dogmanship. The Great Pyrenees tends to bark a lot and some tend to drool and slobber.
Height: Males 27 - 32 inches (69 - 81 cm) Females 25 - 29 inches (63 - 74 cm) are the average heights, but some Pyrenees are as tall as 40 inches (1 meter)
Weight: Males from 100 pounds (45 kg) Females from 85 pounds (38 kg)
Prone to bloat, hip dysplasia, bone cancer, luxated patellas. Can develop skin problems in very hot weather.
These dogs are not recommended for apartment life and would do best with a mid-to-large sized yard. They need space, but adapt well to family life. They are not really active indoors, but need regular exercise outdoors. A fence is a must as they may wander away in search of the borders to what they believe is their territory. Puppies are very active and might have the tendency to wander off or escape. Prefer cool climates.
Pyrenees need plenty of exercise to stay in shape. If they are not actively working as flock guardians, they need to be taken on a daily, long brisk walk.
Life span: About 10-12 years
Coat maintenance: Regular brushing of the long double coat will keep it in good condition, but extra care is needed when the dog is shedding its dense undercoat. The outer coat does not mat unless there is a burr, foxtail or some other outside object that gets stuck to the coat. This can be an issue for outside working dogs. Some owners choose to shave the coats in the summer to avoid this from happening, but beware of sunburn. Bathe or dry shampoo only when necessary. Great Pys shed all year round but do so heavily once a year.
The Great Pyrenees originated in Central Asia or Siberia. The breed was descended from the Hungarian Kuvasz, and the Maremmano-Abruzzese.The Pyrenees is also a relative of the St. Bernard. contributing to its development. It has a long history as a guard dog of sheep. The dogs made their way to Europe; the Great Pyrenees remained in the high mountain regions until the Middle ages, when the breed gradually gained popularity with the French nobility as a guard dog. By the late 17th century, every French noble wanted to own one. Armed with a spiky collar and thick coat, the Great Pyrenees protected vulnerable flocks from such predators as wolves and bear. The Great Pyrenees has proven to be a very versatile breed working as an avalanche rescue dog, as a cart-puller, sled dog, as a pack dog on ski trips, a flock guardian, dog of war, and as a companion and defender of family and property. The AKC officially recognized the Great Pyrenees in 1933.
Also here is a link to the AKC breed standard for the Great Pyrenees
There are many reasons why we think we offer a great plan for pairing you with that ideal puppy (or puppies) and we offer tons of support for as long as it's needed!
1) We offer Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing (along with our daily observations) to help optimize the best placement potential of each puppy. We are better able to rate pups as strong independent working dogs or more docile loving pets. Please note that the Volhard test WAS built with service dogs in mind, however we feel it still does give us a bit more insight into the temperament of the LGD pups. We will gather most of our information on the temperament and personality of our pups from daily observations.
2) We raise dogs well socialized with stock. Our pups aren't born in the house and raised only within the same property of livestock - they are born in the barn with the stock. We do keep pups in a secured area to avoid any mishaps with a goat stepping on a tiny newborns. They do however share an open stall wall with the goats....the smell and sounds of goats is no surprise to the pups as they grow up! Somewhere between 2-3 weeks of age the stall where the pups are born is no longer closed off. From this point on pups have full access to the goats, chickens and ducks. Although our current females were born and raised with stock, our older male (Bruno) was brought into our farm at 18 months of age from a pet home. However all dogs display natural and strong LGD (Livestock Guardian Dog) skills.
3) We offer a lifetime of support for any pup or dog that leaves our farm. We offer support in the form of problem solving, training help and rehoming if ever necessary. We are willing to take any dog back at any time. We have actually set up our farm and pastures just so we can offer this. To date we haven't had to take any back, but we are always here to do so. If you do ever rehome your dog, we still offer these services to whomever you sell him/her to. No pup that leaves our farm should EVER end up in a shelter or rescue.
4) We are frank and tell it like it is. We would rather be brutally honest about the pluses and pitfalls of owning a Great Pyrenees. They are NOT for everybody and they are NOT for every situation. We aren't here to sell puppies. We are here to propagate a wonderful working dog and share the joys AND honest sorrows of owning such amazing dogs. You shouldn't leave our farm with your new puppy to encounter any hidden surprises.
5) Our dogs and our puppies are healthy. Our livestock that our dogs are housed with is also healthy. Nothing leaves our farm sick or debilitated OR exposed to sick or debiltated animals.
6) Our pups are socialized with humans enough to allow them to become gentle and loving pets, but raised hands off enough that they settle in extremely well to any new guardian home.
7) We hold our pups to an age that is ideal for allowing important learning and training here from their parents before they leave. This still also allows them to go to their new homes during that critical bonding time to help with creating strong and long-lasting bonds their new stock and/or family.
8) Our pups go home with a small bag of their current food, their age appropriate shots, a microchip, wormed and a record of all pertinent information (including all known pedigree information).
Pyrenees and Anatolians are extremely loyal and intelligent breeds. Of large size but gentle nature they are ideal for even households with smaller children or with other pets. Pyrenees are not a breed with excessive energy but do need a good firm hand when starting basic training. They have a thick long hair coat that can differ in manageability from dog to dog. Some may require more grooming to remain mat free. This hair is shed once a year and be prepared for some clean up!! Both Anatolians and Pyrenees do tend to dig if left alone or during extremely hot months. A joke I once heard while researching the breed myself is what do you call an unleashed Great Pyrenees? A Dis-a- Pyr!! Although ours are strictly goat guardians and stay well within the confines of their fence, I think that either a fenced yard, close supervision or thorough training is a MUST with your new Pyrenees.
As far as making your new Great Pyrenees a family dog as well as a guardian dog, there are two schools of thought on the feasibility of that. Some say that to guard efficiently they must bond solely with the livestock and have very minimal human contact. Others believe they can be totally bonded to their humans and still be guardians. I do believe that if you have many acres needing their attention, you are best NOT making them a pet, as they will be less likely to follow their herd away from the barn/home to the distant areas where the livestock need them most. Our dogs are wonderful loving dogs, however they are NOT allowed to leave the pasture. They MUST bond with their charges and should see them as their main priority. A Livestock Guardian Dog that comes into the house at night is not able to do his or her job at the time many predators are active. They are great with small children (but watch the jumping - these dogs should always be taught basic manners as they are big and can easily knock even an adult over) and can make super pets and companion animals as they bond very strongly and are of the gentlest nature with their families. But be careful, Pyrenees will roam if given the chance…as I said they think everything they see is theirs to take care of!! Oh, and they will get along with most anything they are raised with from other dogs to barn cats. And they will know the difference between your dogs and the neighbors' dogs that don’t belong. Ours even guard against aerial predators like hawks and eagles (and sometimes blue jays and barn sparrows).
Of course!! With a job to do and a pretty secure fence (mine do awesome in electric even) small acreages are just fine. They will be fine in even a fenced 2 acres. If they are outside the fenced area unsupervised, they may choose to wander. Everything they see is their responsibility to guard so always keep that in mind. A job (stock to guard) is a big reason for the dogs to stay where they should be. A bored dog without charges to watch over is much more likely to look for a way out. Even your family can be considered their "charges".
Definitely. MANY people use them for chickens and other poultry. I have sold a few that went to poultry homes! We do expose them to plenty of poultry while they are here, mostly the ducks and chickens, but sometimes the guineas as well. Often the spring litters will also be exposed to mother hens with their chicks and ducklings. This gives them some good experience in learning that a mother hen is nothing to be trifled with! They say the biggest and most important bonding and exposure time is up to 12 weeks. We let them go to new homes at 7-8 weeks. Sometimes the poultry is a little tempting for puppies to chase though, so care must be taken when introducing and housing them when young. I would recommend a pen within a pen for when they are unsupervised for a while especially if the area tends to be smaller to start with. When they are young and growing, they also hit a “teenager” phase that can lead to playful chasing again. For our dogs (Pyrenees are really quite smart!!) only a time or two of catching them in the act of chasing or pouncing and telling them NO and enforcing that the behavior is unacceptable really worked for us. The key is taking the time to observe their behavior and doing the necessary training at a young age. I wanted to add that young poultry can be particularly "fun" to play with, so extra care should be taken when you pup is young if you are placing him/her with chicks. I would recommend NOT putting a pup with immature poultry unsupervised until you have gone through the training and introduction processes and are satisfied with your puppy's behavior. Allowing bad behavior to start, or even worse, letting it become a habit or fun is a sure fire way to set yourself up for more work ahead (as well as losses).
On a related note. Our farm has grown over the years. When we started with our first few livestock guardian dogs we only had chickens. Over the years we added ducks, then turkeys then guineas. We learned that while we might think a bird is a bird, the dogs don't see things in as general of terms. They think more like this: If it walks like a duck and and quacks like a duck it most certainly is NOT a chicken so kill it because it doesn't belong here! Yep we lost a duck in the beginning. We also lost a turkey before we realized the error was OURS not the dogs. Our poultry has a coop not included directly in the are the dogs normally patrol/live. However our birds free range so they always end up in the areas the dogs are in. Without introductions by us, which is basically showing the dogs that this species or that species is "mine" and therefore okay, the dogs did what they were SUPPOSED to do and eliminated anything in their pasture that could be construed as a threat. We took the proper steps to introduce our guineas to the dogs and have never lost any other birds to our dogs.
I have been asked this question quite often. I also wonder if I have been giving the wrong impression with the other information I have mentioned. Here are my thoughts......of course other people may have had different experiences and different dogs that shape their opinions. For what it is worth, they are honestly not much different than any other breed in the wander/not wander respect....and tend to wander only if not given a proper job (whether it be guarding family or livestock). If you feel you can leave a dog outside alone unsupervised (either by adults or children) then yes they may wander and that could be the same with any breed. There are many Pyrenees that are pets that don’t wander. I think that some may misunderstand the reason why mine are behind fences……the goats DO wander if not in a fence! To be a yard dog or a house dog any breed would require basic training to remain within their boundaries and I don’t think you would have an issue as long and you are willing to put just as much training into a Pyrenees as you would with any other dog (and probably a little less as they just don’t have the nose of a hound, the prey drive of a retriever or the herding/chase instinct of a shepherd). Their primary directive so to speak is to take care of their charges and “their” property. In the role of LGD (livestock guardian dog) where predator pressure is high they WILL chase predators, they WILL patrol property and if you don’t have a good fence they WILL wander outside the confines of your pasture. As I have mentioned above….. for a pet home a good fence, close supervision and responsible training in some combination, may be necessary to keep them within their borders. Each dog is an individual of course, but basically the training wouldn’t be any harder than for any other breed of dog. In general, as a breed the Great Pyrenees bond VERY STRONGLY to their charges (whether it be a herd of goats, a flock of chickens or a family). I am not trying to talk anybody into a dog that they don’t think will work for them, but I do hate the thought of people going away with the wrong impression of the breed. I am only one person with one persons volume of personal experience....and remember that the next person who tells you that their Pyrenees has a bad case of wanderlust is also only one person with only their experience to influence their opinions.
A jump gate is a good means to allow your dog access to places that you may not want your stock (sheep or goats or otherwise) to go. Our first jump gate was built to keep the goats from going into our LGD's doghouse when she whelped her first litter of pups.
How do I build a jump gate? A picture is worth a million words so below is my best answer to that question.
Do jump gates really work? For us they have. We have had a few smaller (younger) goats go thru the one pictured as it is in a hog panel and a little lower to the ground. Per the notes in the picture a height slightly higher off the ground would be recommended.
How do jump gates work? The theory behind it is that due to the triangular shape the animal has to somewhat cross it's legs to get through....this is to streamline the shoulder width a little and allow passage.
Where should I (or shouldn't I) use a jump gate? I use them to give the dogs access to multiple pastures where I would rather keep the stock in those pastures separated. I use them to give the dogs a place to eat or whelp away from the stock. I would NEVER recommend using a jump gate in a perimeter fence, only in cross fencing.
Are jump gates 100% foolproof? Nope. We have had a few younger of our does figure out the one in the picture...I'd never say anything is foolproof when it comes to goats!! However we have had great success and even though I give dimensions on the one above but you may have to play around a little with the sizing and height of your gate.
Check out the video of our dogs using the gate here:
Some helpful tips for your new working LGD puppy. ***Introducing older dogs into an established pack generally will take a different approach than I will outline here.*** Please keep in mind that there really are as many ways to “train” a new puppy as there are puppies! These tips are based on our experiences and our pups and dogs. They are based on years of experience with dogs in general.
While an LGD IS different than your basic lap dog, some things remain the same to work with.
While you might want to love and cuddle your scared and lonely new puppy a lot, DO NOT do it. Now I’m not saying don’t touch or acknowledge puppy. I'm also not saying don't love on or cuddle them at all. I cuddle puppies every day they are here! What you don’t want is for you, the human, to become their only comfort zone. The safety net so to speak. You want the puppy to bond with the stock and the other working dogs you have. This isn’t going to take long, maybe around a week. It may take a little longer depending on your stock and/or if you have other working dogs. During this time feel free to acknowledge the puppy when he/she isn’t trying to get your attention. Pet the puppy. You don’t want the pup to forget about how great humans are of course!! Feel free to love on them, but don't reinforce fearful behavior. If you, the human, are the only source of comfort the puppy will automatically crave your presence and seek you out. This is NOT what you are going to want if this takes the pup away from the pastures/barnyard. Now I understand that stock (goats and sheep at least) can be pretty unforgiving of a new puppy or dog. For our stock it is helpful that we already have dogs. However the goats DO recognize the difference between individual dogs and with a new dog/puppy they are going to usually either flee in fear or put said pup in its place by knocking it around a little if it gets out of line or posturing against it. While I’m not advocating allowing your new puppy to be abused or injured, but allowing your stock to establish a bit of a pecking order is perfectly acceptable and even beneficial. If a pup tries to chew on your favor does ear, it should be within her rights to give the pup a reprimand. Always have a place that the puppy can escape to, a piece of a cattle panel in a corner works great for smaller pups.
So to break it down, here is how I do it. I walk out to do chores for the first two or three days. Each time I walk out, the puppy may come running and want attention such as petting or cuddling. I won’t immediately give it. I often acknowledge a pup with a quick pat and hello, but then I actually pretty much ignore the puppy as I go about chores. Usually about 15 minutes after I first enter the barn I'll notice the puppy has given up seeking my attention and is with the other LGD or perhaps with the goats. Generally at that point, I will walk over and talk to the puppy and give a good petting and cuddle. I might also work some training in at this time. Although puppy might follow me after I’m done with giving it attention, I once again go back to ignoring. I can't reinforce negative behavior by returning to a crying or whining puppy. By about day three or four I notice the puppy may still acknowledge my arrival but doesn’t seek me out in such a needy way. I continue my routine of “ignoring” the puppy for at least a few more weeks, but really only if the pup appears to seek me out for comfort. (Comfort and company are two different things however.) I’ve found that a two to three day time frame is also the amount of time it takes my stock to finally accept the new pup. (It took longer when we introduced a new puppy to stock unused to dogs and when we introduced a new adult dog.) I do pet and interact with puppy daily, actually every time I do chores which is 2-3 times a day. I never chase or push a puppy away. I'm never aggressive or mean to a puppy. As the noticeable bond and comfort level between the puppy, adult dogs and stock grows I allow MY interaction level to also grow. Basically the less the puppy needs me, the more I’m willing to give. Just because the puppy doesn’t need me, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t enjoy the attention or isn't attached. More cuddling, more play and actually some training is mixed in. I work on teaching them their name, the sit and come commands and I make sure we have no food aggression issues.
As far as fencing, here is a little bit of advice. With our first dog we may have gone a bit extreme which has caused some problems for us. We never taught her how to ride in a car or even how to leave the pasture. Once her first "adult" vet appointment rolled around a year after she arrived, we had some fun getting her out of the pen! But on a good note, even if a gate is left open she will not leave the pasture! That is probably a combination of her bond with the stock as well as her just never being allowed out. I would suggest working car rides and walking on a leash into your training program. However most of the pup’s time should be spent IN their pasture. If there isn’t a compelling reason that the pup should be outside the fence, I suggest that they should NOT be outside the fence.
***update, we have changed a few things here and as I update pages on the website here, I wanted to say we have worked with our girl and she will now come easily into our yard (which happens to be fenced for livestock now too).
There are groups out there that advocate keeping your dog in the house to begin their bonding and training. I'm not necessarily against this method. I am a bit put off by their groups however as they are adamant that their way is the ONLY way. I don't believe there is ever only one way to do things and if this method interests you I can direct you to some of the groups found on social media. However, I won't detail any of those methods here as they aren't how we do things so I have no personal experience to impart to you. We did however add a 18 month old "pup" to our pack who was raised solely indoors as a pet and he has been an absolutely amazing LGD from day one, so there should be some merit to their methods.
I have found that most problem issues with LGD can be directly traced to errors made by their owners. (See the part above regarding "can LGD guard poultry" and read about our biggest mistake so far.)
***I hope to add to this “as I see it” training advice as I think of things that would be helpful.***
I just wanted to cover a few things that many people don't do with their LGD that they SHOULD be doing.
EVERY LGD should know the following:
NO - If a dog/pup is doing something unacceptable like stalking, rough play, etc I will use the NO command.
LEAVE IT - If a dog has made a kill or is chasing a predator I would use the leave it command to have them leave it so I can deal with it.
ENOUGH - I utilize this command for limiting/correcting excessive barking
Our pups should need only minimal guardian "training" since most guardian traits are instinctual in these dogs. They will get some of their guardian "training" directly from the time they spend here with their parents and the livestock they grow up with. HOWEVER that does not mean they should be just thrown in with your livestock and left to their own devices. A puppy may need to be reprimanded for pouncing on a chicken or goat kid in play as they may now see kids and perhaps even poultry as their new siblings. The guarding part is pretty much bred in, things like barking to keep away the undesirables or attacking something that is in the pasture to do harm. But remember, they are dogs and while they don’t have the prey drive of say a German Shepherd they still like to play. Until they are taught what kind of play is acceptable and what is not they should be supervised with smaller stock. The Great Pyrenees breed is an extremely intelligent and independent breed as they were bred to have the ability to work far from the human shepherd and that meant making decisions on their own sometimes. Good fences are extremely important as a Pyr may want to chase predators off "their" property. They may not go to far and may return quickly and if this is far in the country, that might not be a bad thing. If you live next to a highway or busy road, this may mean a death sentence. I do recommend that you do instill good basic training to make tasks like vet trips or pasture changes easier. Sit, stay, come and leash training would be a great start for your puppy. Check this out to see how mom and dad work with their pups. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=534422490678328
(See also "Can a young dog be trusted with livestock?")
The short answer is no. The long answer is also no. The in between answer is most likely not.
This is a popular misconception as well as (IMO) a way for breeders to excuse or hide poorly bred pups. A pup should be raised with stock whether or not you have an older dog. Will you need to be part of the training process? Of course. Should you expect losses as a natural course of doing business...that is an emphatic NO. So how can it or should it be done? There is SO much to describing this situation of a young pup with stock that I can't possibly get it all here, but I'm going to try.
First off there is very much a difference between the statements "A LGD can't guard efficiently until they are 2 years old" and "A LGD can't be left with stock unsupervised until they are 2 years old" The first may be true and is the statement that the dogs just can't defend and do their job physically or mentally depending on the predator pressure you have and the size of your dog. A 12 week old pup isn't much more than prey itself for eagles, coyotes or even bears. But pit them physically against a fox and they most likely would win. BUT a 12 week old pup doesn't generally have the mental acuity to decipher and thwart a threat. A 1 year old pup on the other hand may have the size to dispatch a single coyote attack, but most likely won't have the mental savvy to deal with a pair or more of cunning coyotes.
As far as the second statement, A pup may NOT work well right off the bat unsupervised with poultry or young stock like lambs or kids. However waiting 2 years is bunk. A pup (especially a bored one) can very easily see these like sized animals as siblings and therefore play things! A chicken can't tolerate the amount of mouthing and jumping as a true dog sibling can and disaster can happen. Supervision, interaction and training is the key if you don't have any other dogs to help show the ropes to a new pup. Keeping a pup with adult stock (but away from stock who are actively birthing) is a great way to allow your pup to learn the ropes safely. ANY AND ALL play or actions that including touching livestock with mouth or paws should be immediately reprimanded and stopped. This is where adult stock is recommended with a young pup, they can and will protect themselves from a small puppy when you aren't around and you can reinforce any training while you are present.
For poultry guardians, we do recommend caution when leaving your pup with stock. Having a closure to retire an over stimulated pup to as well as other GOOD stimulation for your young pup to keep him from trying to run off energy with the birds is a good idea. Giving a pup experiences with a broody mother hen or a new mother duck helps train your dog that chicks and ducklings are most definitely NOT fun to play with and are off limits!
No matter what, an LGD IS a dog, albeit a different type of dog with sometimes different training methods and that training is important in the early months of life. Waiting until a dog is 2 years old to try and discourage behaviors that weren't able to be expressed is going to make your life, your dogs life and your stocks life much more miserable.
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Yes they can.
I think that there are some limits, but not in the way most take them or assume them to be.
The commonly seen comment "Dogs can't be trusted with stock until they are 2 yrs of age" is a statement that I believe has gotten skewed from the original statement that dogs can't guard well until around age 2. These are two totally different statements. The first part - dogs can't be trusted with stock until 2 years of age - is generally a very inaccurate statement.
I might not let a dog be on his/her own without some sort of back up (human, strong fencing, safe barns, another dog, etc) until age two. But that doesn't mean that they can't be with stock alone until then, just that they may not have the mental or physical strength to thwart an attack prior to that.
Now, I don't allow a young dog to be with birthing mothers until I KNOW how they will respond. However all our dogs ARE with adult or junior stock from day one. There can be a difference in the way a dog perceives a birthing mother or a newborn kid and I see no reason to take chances without supervising this delicate time. Although I've never had an issue with a dog over two with newborns or kidding does, I've also never had problems with dogs UNDER two.
Keep in mind however that not all dogs are suitable to be with all stock, it's just a fact that all dogs ARE individuals. Just because I haven't had problems with my current and past dogs doesn't mean that some dogs may be more apt to problems. I say this last part just because I feel that too many people also take for granted the "magical" properties of these dogs. They are NOT magical, they are living creatures who can and do make mistakes and will require your guidance. Use common sense and when in doubt ask someone for help and err on the side of caution.
There is no one amount I can give you, but I can give you an idea. While they are big dogs, they are neither high energy dogs nor are they big eaters. As of the writing of this paragraph, I have two adults (over 2 years old) and one teenager (approximately one year old). On average, I go through 50# of mid-grade dog food in about 1-1/2 weeks. We also go through periods where we utilize raw feeding (too hard to give you an idea of how much we go through in raw feeding).
Do Great Pyrenees bark excessively? Yes they CAN. However if you ask me if mine do, the answer is no.There are a few things I have observed over the years. 1) barking happens most with dogs under 2 or older dogs that are new to an area/farm. 2) barking happens much less if the dog has another dog to learn from (or a human). Why do they bark so much in the beginning? Because they are learning. Everything new is a threat, the neighbors driving by, the bag blowing around outside the fence, the deer passing through on the neighbors property. They need to learn what kinds of things aren't a threat. They may take a long time to realize the resident turkey flock or deer herd isn't going to eat their animal charges. They may never realize that the neighbor kids playing tag in their own yard is nothing to fret over. This is where you come in! Being available to guide your dog is important. Teach them some sort of "enough" command. There is a fine line between teaching them not to bark at all (probably won't happen)and teaching them to bark only at true threats. Of course you still want them to alert to danger. Barking IS their first line of defense....scaring predators away is much safer than letting them get into the pasture and THEN having to deal with them! Don't assume however that because you see or hear nothing that there isn't something to bark at. Being able to gauge what is nuisance barking and what is alert barking is the tricky part. Barking that lasts more than a few minutes I usually investigate. As my dogs get older I can easily tell which dog is barking and what kind of bark it is. If they are barking at the neighbor dog playing fetch, I stop them. If they are barking because the neighbor dog is by the edge of the road near our fence, I allow it as they are doing what they are supposed to do. The sound and intensity of the barks are usually noticeably different. They will bark at bicyclists as they go by, but stop quickly once they are gone. That's okay. They bark at cars who stop to gawk at the animals. That's definitely okay. They bark at the neighbor kids going buy....I stop that most times. The kids sometimes are a bit boisterous, but I don't like them barking at kids. So to sum up. Yes they bark, but they can be trained. They will usually learn what they need to bark at (and what they don't) by the time they are 2 years old all on their own. However most people don't want to wait that long (or take a chance that some types of nuisance barking may get ingrained). You can train them to the "hush/enough/stop/shut up" command to help them learn faster and better. You can even train them TO bark at certain things. When we got our first GP, bald eagles were our biggest problem. We would sit in the pasture with our pup and bark at any large birds (crows, hawks, buzzards or eagles). She learned to watch the sky and doesn't bother with little birds. She's also taught all subsequent dogs to do the same.
Going over? Electric fence or google "Fence Top Rollers Dogs". There are mixed reviews on the roller, but electric is definitely proven to work.
Going under? There are a few ways to manage this behavior. 1) electric fence - one strand a foot off the ground 2) fill holes as you find them using their own feces to fill (yep gross, and the dogs usually think so too) NOTE: A dog can dig out easily in under an hour, if relying solely on this method you just might lose your dog. 3) put stones, wire or heavy bricks around the perimeter of your fence line. 4) attach "loose" fencing to logs at the bottom if there is too much play in the fence allowing dogs to push under
My short and quick answer here is no. As a general rule I would prefer not to offer pups in pairs, but in full disclosure I have done it a couple of times to buyers I felt had full information of what raising two pups entails as well as the resources to give them the proper training to allow them to become healthy functioning adult dogs. I've raised pairs myself with good success so I know it is possible, but I also know it isn't easy. Anyone willing to sell you two pups without discussing the pitfalls of doing so probably won't have the best interests of the pups or you at heart.
Take a look into "Litter mate Syndrome". Keep in mind this is NOT limited to actual litter mates, but can be an issue when getting two pups of similar ages at the same time even if unrelated. Many people think that having two puppies at the same time can give the pups someone to play and bond with and therefore make the whole puppy stage easier. However two pups growing up together presents a whole set of different issues than if you have one. With two pups, each must have one on one training with their shepherd/owner as well as training with each other. So rather than making things easier, you have effectively tripled the amount of training you must actually do. Often with two pups, their bonding will be very strong with each other and they will look to each other for comfort, cues and bonding instead of looking to the stock or their shepherd.
Is raising two pups impossible? No it isn't.
Is it easy? No it isn't.
I highly recommend spacing your pups out at least 6 months and preferably about 1 year.
We breed our females almost every heat. We get flack often for this because many people are under the impression that breeding "back to back" is detrimental to the dogs. We have discussed with our vet and breeding this way is completely fine as long as the bitch remains in great condition. Also stopping and spaying once their litter sizes begin to decline. You can check for yourself within the Facebook group "Pet Vet Corner" Where only veterinarians are allowed to answer questions. There are a few threads where the main consensus of multiple vets is that back to back is totally fine and even beneficial to a degree.
Cornerstone Acres Farm established 2010
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