We will have the following meats available:
A note about all of our livestock: We haven’t been able to stick with our original goal of 100% organic feeds but we do our best where we can. Any animal that needs to be treated with commercial antibiotics, dewormers or other traditional “chemicals” is removed from our sale-able meat program. Neither our breeding stock nor the animals intended for our meat program are vaccinated.
Your purchasing options:
Buy feeders to raise yourself.
Buy a whole or half.
a) Pork - $3.50/lb(half hog) $3.00/lb (whole hog) hanging weight plus processor fees. Available as whole or half. – contact us if interested, processing dates vary, deposit of $50 required.
b) Lamb – $400 (includes processing EXCEPT for special meat cuts or packaging like smoking or brats). Available whole animal only – contact us if interested, processing is usually in the fall, deposit of $50 required
c) Goat – $400 (includes processing EXCEPT for special meat cuts or packaging like smoking or brats). Available whole animal only – contact us if interested, processing is usually in the fall, deposit of $50 required
d) Chickens – $24 each (average packaged weight 10-12# bird) – pre-order required (10% deposit required)
e) Ducks – $16 each (average packaged weight 6-7# bird) – pre-order recommended (10% deposit required)
f) Rabbits – $15 each (average packaged weight 4# each) – subject to availability, contact us to get on waiting list. g) Quails - $6.50 each (average packaged weight to be calculated) - subject to availability, contact us to get on waiting list.
Buy our CSA meat only share.
Approximately 170# of pork, lamb, goat, chicken, duck and rabbit plus 12 dozen eggs.
Buy our CSA full line share. NOT AVAILBLE IN 2023
Approximately 160# of vegetables and fruits Herbs, maple syrup, honey, jam/jelly
Buy individual cuts. NOT YET AVAILBLE
We will eventually offer all of our delicious meats in individual packages and by the cuts. We haven’t made a set in stone price list yet for all of our cuts of pastured meats. If there is something you will be looking for, please contact us and we can give you an idea. Here are some cuts we will offer.
*A bit on how live weight vs hanging weight vs packaged weight works: These are ESTIMATES ONLY actuals CAN vary significantly, but in our experience they are pretty close and I tried to figure very conservatively so your cost per pound finished cuts SHOULD be cheaper.
Pork – hanging weight is approximately 70% of liveweight, packaged weight is approximately 70% of hanging weight – or 50% of liveweight. (Example: 100# pig would be 70# hanging weight. So the cost to me would be $245 and the cost to the processor would be around $22.40 if the cost was $.32/pound. If the packaged meat total is approximately 50#, that averages your cost of pasture raised pork to $5.35/lb for packaged meat. )
Lamb – Hanging weight is approximately 50% of liveweight and packaged weight is approximately 70% of hanging weight – or about 35% of liveweight. (Example: 100# lamb would be 50# hanging weight. So the cost paid to me would be $250. The cost to the processor is around $75 and there is usually no per pound fee with goats/sheep, it is just the flat rate. If the packaged meat total is approximately 35#, that averages your cost of grass fed lamb to $9.29/lb packaged meat.)
Goat – will be pretty similar to lamb.
Packaged weight can vary quite a bit depending on the following: if you go with bone in or boneless, how much fat you chose to keep or have trimmed off, if you keep organs, if you keep soup bones, how long the meat is aged, etc . Additional charges usually apply if you choose to have cuts smoked or specialty cuts like brats made.
**With prepaid orders received early enough, we can offer the option of intact/unaltered animals to be raised by us.
***We also have a livestock scale (not USDA inspected) in which we can sell animals alive for an APPROXIMATE per pound live weight so that you can take animal and have butchering done according to your own religious or other preferences. Contact us for individual pricing info if you wanted to go this route.
Check out our events page on our Facebook page for current scheduled events HERE
Thinking of beginning your journey into self-sustainability?
Or perhaps you just want to grow some of your own meats and vegetables?
Are you interested in learning any of the following basics?
Predator protection for livestock
Maybe you would be interested in learning in-depth about something listed below?
Butchering livestock for home use
Working with fibers (harvesting animal fibers, processing, spinning)
And lastly are you in interested in doing all or any of the above in an all-natural way?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions we have some answers for you!
Come join one of our seminars!
We really like to recommend that you take our Basic Seminar and Farm Tour first for a few reasons.
3) You might find an aspect of homesteading that you didn’t even KNOW you would be interested in!
Dinner on the Farm - late summer/fall
Food Preservation Seminar (Canning and Dehydrating)
Plant Seminar (Weed walk and basic herbal lore)
Rabbit Raising Seminar (includes basic vermiculture)
Poultry Raising Seminar (includes ducks, layer chickens, meat chickens, quails and turkeys)
Working with Daft Horses Seminar Cancelled for the time being.
http://#" rel="">Sewing Seminar
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically we offer shares in our farm, or certain aspects of our farm, in which you reap a percentage of the crop. We offer the following: meat, milk (herdshares), garden and a meat/garden combo
All organic and natural methods are used in raising our animals and in our gardens. We feed non-gmo feeds and use antibiotics only in extreme circumstances. Herbal treatments take priority at our farm....including parasite control, mineral supplements, immune boosters and whole health supplements. NO chemicals are used in the gardens and we utilize companion plantings, manual pest control and resistant plants for larger healthier harvests. Non-gmo seed stock is used. Any necessary variations from our normal procedures will be disclosed openly to our customers.
We are providing a "full service" CSA. Not only will you get vegetables, but we are also able to include USDA processed, all natural meats. Small farm raised, all natural kunekune pork, duck, chicken, lamb, rabbit, quail and goat. Our animals are raised mainly in a pasture/grass based feed program. Kunekune pigs rely heavily on grazing and eating hay for their diet (we do supplement to make sure all nutritional needs are being met). Our rabbits are fed primarily hay and are given a very large portion of their diet in foraged greens during the growing season. Even our meat chickens are free-range and pastured, although their actual diet consists mainly of concentrate feeds they do partake of foraged feeds like plants and bugs. Our ducks raised for meat are 100% pasture fed, gleaning only the occasional fallen amounts of grain in the paddocks of other species. Certain years we will also offer beef for additional purchase. Also included in your share are eggs, herbs and even maple syrup! All of our animals are raised humanely and without antibiotics or hormones and on organic and non-GMO feeds! Our animals are raised within a combination of the following: on pasture, free range, cage and tractors. Our plants are grown in our own black gold (compost made right here on the farm) and grown without the use of pesticides or other chemicals. Everything is as naturally grown as possible. We are NOT certified organic, but do our best to follow all organic methods, such as companion planting, natural soil amendments, crop rotation and much more.
Exact yearly pricing will be announced by mid January of the season year. Number of shares available will be determined by the previous years harvest. We do plan to offer a couple of extra meat only shares. See below for current years pricing and availability.
What the heck is a CSA you ask? The CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In short it is a farm (usually a small one or group of small farms) that provide (for an upfront fee) a few weeks or months of fresh farm produce to members of the community. Any farm items from baked goods, to vegetables, to meats, to even firewood can be included. For a very detailed description check out this link to a excerpt by Susan Demuth on the USDA website http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/csa/csadef.shtml
What am I going to get for my money? We will be offering Standard Full Shares or Standard Half Shares. (We do have a payment plan available that requires a minimum deposit and then the balance to be paid by April 30th.) BONUS: If you pay in full with just one payment, we will throw in one of our specialty gift baskets at time of payment as a thank you gift. (Assorted jams and jellies made here on the farm in a lovely basket including linens and other specialty themed items!)
NOTE: Please see below in the "Share options" section for a more specific list of what you should see in the current year.
A Standard Share should include weekly: Your share of the vegetables which may include but are not limited to heirloom tomatoes (multiple varieties), potatoes, onions, green beans, asparagus, purple beans, greens, hot and mild peppers, zucchini, summer squash, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, parsnips, lettuce, spinach, beets, rhubarb, broccoli, brussels sprouts, winter squash, pumpkins, carrots, kale, cauliflower and peas. Is there something you know you just have to have? Let us know since there is usually room in the garden for something extra! Which vegetables you are actually getting each week will depend on what is ?in season? that week (or weeks), the weather and perhaps other environmental factors. Our goal is to provide each full share holder AT LEAST an average 10 pounds of vegetables each week and half share holder 5 pounds. As potatoes and tomatoes come ripe there may be over double that each week. Of course in early spring when there may be nothing but greens and cold weather crops available there may be a bit less.
NOTE: after keeping vegetable harvest totals in 2012, the average share would have included approximately 18# of vegetables each week over a 10 week period (that is at least 180# total). Due to a very early spring and late frosts we did not have a fruit harvest on our apples or cherries. I need to keep track again in 2015 to get a complete harvest total once again. We have expanded quite a bit since 2013!!
Eggs: approximately one dozen farm fresh and multi colored eggs for a full share holder and 1/2 dozen for half share holders. **Quail eggs will also be available upon request.
A Standard Share will also include the following items (not available every week but periodically in the amounts listed):
NOTE: a discount may be available if you choose to pick up live animals and either do your own butchering or take them in to the abattior yourself (this ONLY is possible with full shares that include a full animal).
Home raised pork. We are now raising the amazing Kunekune pig for pork. Each full share holder will get approximately 20-30# of pork packaged to your specifications. Each half share holder will get approximately 10-15#. Weight will also be dependent on the time of year our piglet crop is born. Generally we have one litter every 9 months. Sausage can be made at no extra charge. (If you choose to have your meat smoked that IS an additional charge.) You will also get approximately 2-4# of lard if you so choose (so many uses for that lard!).
Home raised chicken. We normally raise heritage breeds of chickens. Unfortunately these heritage breeds are not your ?normal? fat and meaty chickens you buy wrapped in plastic and most consumers are not used to the leaner meat and stronger flavor they impart. We have decided to offer Cornish cross chickens instead for our patrons. These are a larger meatier bird that you should enjoy. Each full share holder will receive 6 chickens. Each ½ share holder will receive 3 (all birds only available whole, not cut up). (Additional chickens are available for individual sale and shareholders will receive a 10% discount off of our listed prices.) Our meat birds are raised free-range with supplemental feed. They utilize greens, loose goat grains and our non-gmo chicken feed for their growth.
Home raised rabbit. We have a few varying breeds we are currently breeding ( Rex being the main ones). These make for super quality meat rabbits. We will be offering 4 rabbits for each full share holder and each 1/2 share holder will receive 2 rabbits. If you are interested in receiving the unprocessed hides from your animals please let us know. For a small additional fee of $1.50 each, we can include these unprocessed hides for you. (Additional rabbits are available for individual sale and shareholders will receive a 10% discount off of listed prices.)
Home raised chevon. I?m sure a few of you are asking ?What is chevon? It?s goat meat. Don?t panic!! It is an extremely lean and tasty meat. If you like venison you will LOVE chevon. If you hate venison, I?m pretty sure you will still love chevon. It is actually similar to venison, but leaning more towards beef in flavor and texture. Each full share holder will receive approximately 1/2 of a goat. That works out to be approximately 15-20# of assorted cuts. Each package will include burger, roast and stew meat FULL SHARES ONLY.
Home raised lamb Jacob sheep are amazingly tasty and nothing like the very gamey tasting store bought lamb meat. Each package will include burger, roast, chops and stew meat. FULL SHARES ONLY.
Home raised Duck. Not everybody likes duck, but here is your chance to try it. Our ducks are Muscovy ducks which are quite large and actually have a flavor and texture very similar to beef! Grass fed even! Full share holders will receive two ducks and 1/2 share holders will receive one duck. (Additional ducks are available for individual sale and shareholders will get a 10% discount off of our listed prices.)
Home raised Quails. We had hoped to add quail to the farm in 2016 but do to time restraints and scheduling were unable to. However we WILL have quails available for the 2017 season. Currently unsure of the numbers that will be available since this is our first year.
Unfortunately we will not be offering turkey any longer unless we can find a cooperating farm to swap with.
Maple Syrup: Straight out of local trees! 2 pints per full share holder; 1 pint per half share holder
Wild foods: We MAY have the following available depending on Mother Nature each year: wild ramps (a much smaller and tastier version of the store bought leeks usually found in early spring); wild blackberries (usually found in late summer). Quantities and availability are solely dependent on the season and what nature chooses to grace us with (including the weather).
Herbs: As needed feel free to get a snip here and there of some of our herbal offerings. We currently have or plan on having: Rosemary, tarragon, horseradish, peppermint, marjoram, spearmint, assorted basils, sorrel, sage, lavender, chives, garlic chives, chocolate mint and dill. We may automatically include certain herbs with your share if it completes a recipe from our weekly newsletter.
Apples: In 2011 we had a major boon of apples - more than even we and our animals could use! If our crop is anywhere near what we had in 2011, we will try and include at least 10# of apples for each full shareholder. Half shareholders will receive about 5#. These are NOT the ?prefect? apples you find in your local supermarket, but they ARE tasty and make great eating apples and even better apples for dessert making or canning. We have assorted varieties and you would receive some from each tree. Due to late frosts we have had poor years of harvests. In 2016 the drought was so bad we lost a majority of our apples to drop.
Peaches, pears and blueberries: Our trees and bushes are kind of small, but are beginning to produce already. We may be able to offer just a few beginning in the 2016 season.
Cherries: We have small trees and mature trees of both sweet and tart cherries. We may not be able to offer enough for canning and preserving, but we will try and add a enough to your basket when they are in season to make an awesome pie or two.
Honey We have a strong (and full) hive arriving in 2014 so we will offer honey also to our shareholders in 2015. Full shareholders will receive approximately 1# of amazing raw local honey and 1/2 shareholders will receive approximately 1/2# of raw local honey.
We will also provide you a weekly newsletter with each pickup detailing easy recipes to use your delicious meats, fruits and vegetables that week. We hope to keep you updated as to what your next pickup should include. I hope you will also enjoy reading about the weekly goings on at Cornerstone Acres!
CSA shareholders will get a 10% discount off any listed price on the individually sold meat options. We have additional chickens, ducks, quails, pork, lamb, goat and rabbits available. We hope to bring back pasture raised beef available starting (possibly) in the 2021 season (1/2 or 1/4 only, currently no individual cuts, sorry).
NOTE: We will also be offering a meat only share. This will NOT be a weekly pickup, but two or three pickups only. It will include the above listed meats (Chevon, pork, rabbit, quails, duck and chicken) at the full share amounts. Only one size meat share is available.
NON-FOOD ITEMS AVAILABLE. Have you thought you might like to get into spinning fibers? For those interested we would be happy to supply you with some of our amazing plucked Angora rabbit fiber or raw Jacob wool. (supply limited and only available by specific shareholder request) All CSA shareholders will receive a few bars of our homemade all natural goat's milk soaps and samples of our salt scrubs. Starting your own garden? How about some manure? We have an abundance of nice soon-to-be black gold (you just need to compost it). You can come and scoop out any of the barns yourself and take as much as you like. We current offer cow, goat/alpaca, rabbit and horse.
How will I get my items? We are actually located in Boon (just a few miles west of Cadillac) and welcome visitors to our farm. We would love to have you come to our farm and see exactly where your food is coming from. However if that is not convenient for you, we will try and schedule one weekly trip into Cadillac for multiple shareholders?meeting in one designated place the same day and time each week. There will be a set time, not a window of time, available for pick-up.
How long and when will I be getting my foods? We are looking at providing about 10-14 weeks of vegetable deliveries hopefully beginning in late May or early June. 10 weeks of eggs available. All meat items will be provided before the end of December (some items such as maple syrup and chicken will be available with one of your earlier weeks).
What future items can I expect to see at Cornerstone Acres CSA? As our support grows we would like to add more options to your grocery cart here with us. Beef (in certain years), red raspberries(expansion added in 2014 and 2016), cherries, mulberries and other tree fruits are just a few. Other items could include walnuts, mushrooms, sunflower heads, corn, flowers, handmade goat milk soaps, berry and fruit wines, breads, jams/jellies, ....the possibilities are almost endless. We have extensive experience in producing many things, we just need to know there is a market for our added efforts so please let us know what your "votes" are.
We do have goat's milk, but at this time are unable to sell due to legal restrictions. If there is enough of a demand, perhaps sometime in the future we can get certified to allow us to include milk in your CSA share. Another option if we decide to increase our milking herd, is to offer a herdshare option. We would love to hear your input on this issue.
If there are other things you would like to see offered, please let us know. We would enjoy hearing all your ideas.
Our goal is to find share holders who would like to come back to us year after year. If you are a client from a previous year we will be offering a 3% discount for each year you have been with us. (Up to 12%)
Currently we are only one small farm offering all of this to our customers, but if you are another farmer who may have something to add to our CSA offerings please let us know. We do reserve the right to substitute equally raised local produce to our customers in lieu of our own (if production is not up to par). We will certainly notifiy our shareholders before taking this option. However we should be able to allow and even encourage you to visit these farms if we do this.
If you have problems or issues with either our product or service during the season, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you are ever going to be unable to pick up your share - please let us know in advance.
NOTE: 2012 season totals are listed on our blog post (http://cornerstoneacresfarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/fall-season-updatesits-been-one-heck-of.html) Keep in mind that post was BEFORE the end of tomato and pepper season. Also had we caught the squash borers sooner we would have gotten many more squash. The poundage total for 2012 was almost 700# of vegetables. That would have allowed almost 200# per share. Imagine what we could have offered if the apple and cherry crop hadn't been demolished by the early spring and late frosts? Starting at the beginning of our 2013 growing season we have added 50% more growing space to our vegetable garden, doubled our potato towers, doubled our strawberry bed and added three good size peach trees.
2015 season totals were (for fullshares): over 220# of fruits and vegetables and over 105# of meat.
2017 season totals were (for fullshares): over 215# of fruits and vegetables and (totals not in yet) of meat
Don't forget, we are an all natural and non-GMO supporter and feed our plants and animals as such, with an emphasis on free-range and pasture raised animals. No antibiotics, chemicals or hormones are used on the animals we use/sell for meat and we do our best to avoid those things with ANY of our animals! Also, each year (after the first year)you participate in our CSA program we will add an additional 3% discount to the current years pricing (up to 12%). All CSA members, no matter which share you purchase, will also be eligible to buy our individually priced rabbits, meat birds - chickens, ducks or quails - or our lamb, goat and pork cuts at 10% off the listed pricing (see our "Products for Sale" page).
NOTE: If you find another local CSA (within about 40 miles) with similar share items for a lower price, let us know and send us a link to the CSA information and we can discuss matching prices.
Full standard share: $1225 **Best Value** (3 available)
Should include the following:
Half standard share: $699 (6 available)
Meat only share: $975 (3 available)
Garden only share: $500 (3 available)
Payment options:
#1 Payment in full is at the prices listed with each package above. (includes a free special gift basket with your first weekly pickup) Payment due by April 1st.
#2 Partial payment options: Deposits of either 25% (full standard shares and meat shares) or 50% (1/2 standard share or Garden only share) are due to hold your share with the balance plus 5% (of the basic price) due by May 15th. Example: If a full share costs $795 a deposit of $198.75 is due by April 1st and the balance of $599.25 PLUS $33.75(5%) is due by May 15th.
As with any CSA listed items and quantities are subject to change due to weather, pests, animal illness etc. When buying into a CSA you are taking the same risks as if you were growing the plants or raising the animals yourself. In the case of any major failings, we do not offer "refunds" however we are willing to look into each situation on a case by case basis and may be more than happy to carry over a portion of your paid share to the following year.
Free range chicken eggs in colors from medium brown to green (no white eggs available).
$2.00 / dozen.
We have a very limited quantity of duck eggs available $5.00 / dozen. Not available in the winter months.
Availability of eggs is limited due to the fact that our CSA shares get first crack (pun intended) at the available eggs and then remaining eggs will be offered for public sales. Please contact us if you would like to get on our first call list for available eggs.
Pricing: 4 oz - $2.50 8 oz - $4.00 16 oz - $6.00
Each jar is labeled with item description and ingredients list. If you would like to know what is in a particular item before ordering - we will be happy to supply that to you. Also, let us know if you are looking for a specific flavor or perhaps if you have a special dietary need, we may be able to accommodate you.
Flavors we have made: (not all are available for sale)
Dandelion Jelly (sweet and light flavor)
Strawberry Jelly
Strawberry Jam
Blueberry Jam
Pear Honey (Jam) (an absolute ambrosia - similar to an apple butter type spread)
Sour Cherry Jam (tart and wonderful)
Blackberry Jelly (dark, rich and full of flavor)
Rhubarb Cinnamon Jam (tart yet sweet with a touch of cinnamon)
Rhubarb Lavender Jam (let's just say - do you have a scone? Sweet and fragrant jam)
Blackberry/Basil Jelly (w/seeds) (an unusual but amazing combo)
Spiced Blackberry Jelly (w/seeds) (blackberry jelly that reminds me of the holidays)
Wild Red Raspberry Jelly (seedless) (a jar full of summer delight minus the seeds)
Wild Red Raspberry Jam (the seeds are tender and the flavor is strong - It's a winner)
Peach Jam (Michigan summer in a jar!!)
Blueberry Jam (Simply delicious, decadently full)
Yep, we got POOP!!
Available in grain bags that traditionally hold 50# of grain (the actual weight of the manure may vary).
You may drop off your own totes and/or barrels and we will fill them up and notify you when they are full.
Available manures:
Rabbit: Mostly clean, but with some hay mixed in. $3.00 per bag; tote/barrel price dependent on size
Chicken: Mixed with layers of hay and feed Available by tote only (limited supply) price to be determined by size of tote
Goat/Sheep: Mixed with LOTS of hay and already starting to compost, only available in spring when we clean out the barns. This will be available by the truck/trailer load only. (Limited supply) Note: also mixed with Alpaca
This feeder saves floor space but still allows at least 7 large breed adult goats and their kids to eat all at one time - I've counted 9 yearlings and adults at one time eating together comfortably on our feeder. I would however recommend it to be about 1 feeder per 5 full size goats. The hole size we use is working out very well and doesn't cause rubbing on noses. This design allows for very easy loading and cleanout. Depending on the size of your bales you should be able to fit at least 1/2 of a bale into each feeder. We have 55-60# square bales and that is approximately what we can fit. We have not used it for loose hay such as what would be peeled off of a round bale or what would come straight off a field. It also gives you the versatility of height adjustment and the hay waste is next to nothing (an amazing acheivement when dealing with goats). I think a top could easily be made for it so it could be hung outside and would still stay dry. We will NOT be offering lids with the smaller feeders at this time however.
$35 each (35 gallon size)
We have also started making 55 gallon size feeders. While we personally prefer the smaller white barrels as the goats seem to not be able to reach all the hay in the 55 gallon barrels. However this does work to our advantage in a couple of our hard to reach pens. We can stuff a feeder full then instead of hauling hay out to those pens each day we just rearrange the hay left in the center. This gives us two or three days without hauling hay to those barns! A full bale of hay will fit into the 55 gallon feeders. Lids will be on the 55 gallon feeders.
$55 each (55 gallon size) PICTURED ABOVE
Comfrey Starts/plants: $3.00 per plant
Just a note on Comfrey.....Comfrey is extremely prolific and grows fast and well in most conditions, spreads heavily by root division (if YOU divide it or chop up the roots), but NOT by seed. Just throw some rotted manure on it at the end of the season so it is fed for next year. The leaves make EXCELLENT addtion to the compost pile. The leaves also make an excellent addition (but NOT to be used as a staple) to the diet of pigs, rabbits, chickens and goats. It has high nutritional value and protien content. It dries well and can be dried and stored to use as a winter supplement.
Egyptian walking onions ($1 for 2 bulbs)
Spearmint ($2.00/group of cuttings)
Peppermint ($2.00/group of cuttings)
Gooseberry ($4 per plant)
Our up and coming Vegetation Management Services. Using goats for land clearing is fun and eco friendly.
Eco-Friendly Vegetation Management
A sustainable and green way to clear brush using goats! Using goats is a low-impact method to have a woodlot, yard, cemetery, business, airport and more cleared! Have you got bramble thickets? Invasive species? Poison Ivy? Well, depending on the thickness of the understory, goats can have an acre cleared nicely in two to three days without damaging established tree growth or the forest floor! To help stop the spread of invasive species, when a goat consumes plant parts that include viable seeds, those seeds are rarely viable after passing through a goats digestive system! (And yet you still get nice fertilizer pellets!) Goats can get to places that large equipment and equipment handlers wouldn’t be able to get to. By clearing undergrowth goats can be an important part of local fire prevention!
We use a solar powered electro-net type fencing to contain our goats into the required areas. A goatherd will be on hand most of the time. A stock trailer will be used to house the goats at night. Depending on the location of the work site, use of a livestock guardian dog or two may be employed. Our LGD (Livestock Guardian Dogs) are people friendly, but predator deadly and will be a necessity in areas with heavy coyote, bear, stray dog or even cougar activity.
A visit to the area to be cleared may be required before a quote regarding pricing or time to completion can be given. Initial phone consultations are free but will require the customer to obtain some photographs and to send some other information prior to the consult. Initial onsite consults: 25 miles or less are free anything over 25 miles will be $1.00 mile (one way).
Some areas may not be suitable for Goatary Mowers due to topography or the presence of toxic plants (Rhododendron, Laurel, Azalea, Poison Hemlock to name a few). In heavily populated areas Goatary Mowers may cause congestion problems due to the interest drawn by the goats themselves.
We will be offering skulls of various species, but the highlight will be our fabulous 4 horn Jacob ram skulls. Condition will vary. Waiting list is in place for our larger skulls.
Our cold process goats milk soaps and other personal products like bath salts, salt scrubs, lip balms, deodorants and more
We sell gift certificates for anything we offer.
Ruminations on the Farm is our new Escape "Room" venture. Come test your puzzle skills and "escape" the farm pens!
Farm Stays that are fun and relaxing. Interact with many livestock species or bring your horses. You can just kick back and relax or you can pack your stay with fun learning opportunities. 420 friendly. Gift baskets and farm fresh foods included with your stay. Also with tons to do in our area like horse riding trails, snowmobiling, the Great Lake Michigan, kayaking, festivals, farmers markets and so much more. www.farfarawayfarmstay.weebly.com
Bucket forks, manure rakes, bucket hitches and more.
Cornerstone Acres Farm established 2010
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